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How do we join the team?

In order to be a part of the UK Rodeo team, you must be a full time student at UK with a GPA of 2.5 or greater. You must pay team dues and if you choose to partake in NIRA, you will need to pay those dues as well. 

What NIRA region does the team compete in?

We are a part of the Ozark Region!

Are team members required to have their own horse?

In order to practice and compete in events other than rough stock, you are required to own or lease a horse. Neither the team nor UK is able to provide horses for team members at this time. 

Does the team, or does UK, give out scholarships?

Neither the team nor UK gives out team-specific scholarships at this time. UK does have scholarship opportunities that are college and/or major-specific. 

Where does the team practice and board?


Practices are held at Coaches Fawn and Chad Armstrong's ranch other wise known as Armur Ranch. These horses can be boarded wherever the owner prefers and can be hauled in for practices*. 


Barrel Racing, Goat Tying  & Roughstock: 

Practices are held at K Bar C Ranch in Wilmore, KY which is ran by Coach Kelly and her family. It is encouraged that barrel racers board here out of convenience, but again, horses can be boarded wherever and hauled in for practices*. 


*Any horse coming to either property must have a current Coggins record, a travel certificate, and either a strangles vaccination or positive titer test. 

How often do team members practice?

All members are required to attend a minimum of one practice per week for each event they choose to practice/compete in. 

Click HERE for a list of local businesses, shippers, professionals, and more that are recommended by our team members!

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